The ways to achieve such purpose were the object of a first exchange of views in Paris in 1946 among members of some of the I.C.s – Great Britain, France, U.S.A., Czechoslovakia, Holland, Sweden and Belgium – followed by a meeting in London, on 22nd July, 1947, called by the I.C. of Great Britain, the first of the I.C.s to be established.
It was unanimously recommended that the maintenance of the I.C.’s ideals everywhere should be entrusted to a “Council of the I.C.s”, composed of representatives of all the existing I.C.s. Prior to formation of any new International Club, approval of this Council must be obtained, such council to meet once a year in London, on the second Wednesday morning of the Wimbledon fortnight.
Bylaws of the International Club of the United States of America
Table of Contents
2. The Objects of the Club shall be: To promote, by social union and match play, good fellowship among tennis players who have represented this country abroad as members of touring tennis teams or who are or have been active in international tennis competition. /li> To develop, encourage and maintain the highest standard of sportsmanship and understanding among tennis players of all nations. To assist in the welcome and hospitality of tennis teams and players visiting the United States of America from abroad. To provide members with information of tennis clubs and facilities in overseas countries. To support the development of promising junior tennis players through scholarships and/or support of international junior events. back to top
Membership Qualification
3. The Club shall consist of men and women who are tennis players as Active Members, International Members, Honorary Members, or Junior Members. Active Members shall be citizens or residents of the United States of America and shall only be eligible for election if, in the judgment of the Club’s Board of Directors, (a) they have demonstrated their interest in the Objects of the Club, and (b) as tennis players, they have achieved a high standard of play and have either (i) represented their country in international competition, (ii) won national championships in any age category, or (iii) played, or been invited to play, in international team or other matches approved by the Club or (c) have made an extraordinary contribution to the United States tennis community or to the Objects of the Club.
4. International Members shall not be citizens of the United States of America and shall be eligible for election as such, provided that they have been members of an international team visiting the United States of America, or have participated in matches of an international character or have rendered significant services to international tennis. No person shall be elected an International Member unless he or she is a member of, and is approved by, the International Club (if any) of his or her country. International Members shall be non-voting members.
Honorary Members shall be limited to citizens or residents of the United States of America and shall not exceed 10 per cent or 50 in number, whichever is greater, excluding Danzig and Johnston award winners who are automatically elected Honorary Members. A person, in order to qualify for election as an Honorary Member, shall have rendered significant service to tennis in general and particularly to international tennis.
Junior Members shall be citizens or residents of the United States of America who satisfy the eligibility requirements for Active Members but have not yet attained the age of 35 years. Upon attaining the age of 35 years, they cease being Junior Members, and shall become Active Members.
In the following By-Laws, the word “Members,” unless otherwise indicated, shall apply to Active, International, Honorary, and Junior Members. back to top
Election of Members
4. The Election of Members is vested in the Directors. Members shall be elected by the affirmative vote of four-fifths of the Directors present at a meeting of the Board of Directors at which a quorum is present. Every Candidate for membership shall be proposed and seconded by and have his or her qualifications for membership presented by his or her proposer and seconder and his or her qualifications shall be read at a meeting of the Directors and the Candidate shall be eligible for election at that meeting. Unless permitted by the Directors, no rejected Candidate shall be again proposed until after the expiration of three months. No Candidate twice rejected shall be again proposed as a Member.
New Members
5. Each new Member shall receive from the Secretary notice in writing of his or her election and a copy of the Club’s By-Laws. The new Member shall be requested to pay the Annual Contribution pro-rated as determined by the Board of Directors to the Treasurer; the payment of which shall be considered as implying acquiescence in, and submission to, the objects and By-Laws of the Club.
Nominating Committee
6. There shall be a Nominating Committee appointed annually by the President consisting of three Members, at least two of whom shall be Directors, and neither of whom shall be officers. The Chairman of the Nominating Committee shall be designated by the President.
The Nominating Committee shall report to the President not less than 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting of Members its nominations for Officers and Directors to succeed the Officers and the retiring class of Directors.
Other nominations may be made by a request in writing signed by not less than 25 Active Members and filed with the Secretary not less than 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting of Members.
7. The management of the Club shall be vested in the Directors, consisting of not less than fifteen nor more than twenty-five as set by the Directors. Not more than five Directors shall be other than Active Members. The term of each Director shall be four years or until a successor has been elected and qualified.
The Directors shall meet at such times and places as they may consider necessary and convenient for the transaction of business. The Secretary shall mail to the Directors notice of the date, place and hour of each such meeting at least 14 days prior to the date of such meeting.
Election of Directors
8. Vacancies in the Directors shall be filled by vote in person or by proxy at the Annual Meeting of Members. Directors whose terms have expired shall be eligible for re-election unless they have served 12 consecutive years, in which case they shall not be eligible for re-election until one year has elapsed from the time they ceased holding office as Director; provided however, that no officer shall become ineligible for election as a Director during the first five years he or she serves as an Officer.
In the event of any vacancies occurring in the Directors after the annual election, the Directors shall have the power to fill such vacancies by appointment. The Members so appointed shall retire at the Annual Meeting of Members next following such appointment but shall be eligible for re-election at that Annual Meeting.
Election of Officers
9. At the first meeting of the Directors following the Annual Meeting of Members, the Directors shall elect from among their members a President, one or more Vice Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. In addition, the Directors may elect from the Club’s membership a Chairman, an Honorary Chairman, an Executive Vice President, a Captain or Co-Captains, and an Assistant Secretary and an Assistant Treasurer. Each officer shall hold office for one year or until a successor has been elected and qualified. All officers are eligible for re-election.
The requirements for a Quorum for Annual and Special meetings of the Members shall be one-tenth of the total number of Members entitled to vote. Unless provided otherwise in these By-Laws, the affirmative vote of a majority of Members present at any such Meeting at which a quorum is present is required to constitute the act of the Members. The requirements for a Quorum for meetings of the Directors shall be one-third of the entire number of Directors. Unless provided otherwise in these By-Laws, the affirmative vote of a majority of Directors present at any such Meeting at which a quorum is present is required to constitute the act of the Directors.
Annual Meeting of Members
11. An Annual Meeting of Members of the Club shall be held at such place and hour, and on such day as the Directors may appoint. Particulars of resolutions to be brought forward at the Annual Meeting shall be sent to the Secretary at least four weeks prior to the Meeting in each year; at least fourteen days’ notice of the date, place and hour of the Annual Meeting shall be mailed to all Members of the Club resident in the United States of America, together with a copy of any resolution to be moved. For the purpose of preparing the Annual Balance Sheet and Report of the Treasurer, the fiscal year of the Club shall terminate on December 31. All Members are welcome to attend the Annual Meeting.
Special Meetings of Members
A Special Meeting may be called at any time by the Directors for the purpose of considering any matters affecting the welfare and By-Laws of the Club. A Special Meeting shall be called upon receipt of a request in writing, signed by at least 25 Members of the Club, specifying the objects of such meeting, at which the discussion shall be confined to those objects. Fourteen days’ notice shall be mailed to all Members giving the date, place and hour of such Special Meeting. back to top Committees There will be an Executive Committee, consisting of the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and Captains, which may conduct the business of the Board of Directors between full Board meetings. In addition, there may be a Finance Committee and such other committees as the Directors or the President shall appoint, with such duties as shall be specified by the Directors or the President.
Annual Contribution
The minimum Annual Contribution for Active and Junior Members, due and payable to the Treasurer on election and thereafter on or before April 1 of each year, shall be such amount as shall be set by the Directors from time to time.
15. Any member desiring to resign his or her membership in the Club must signify his or her intention before April 1st otherwise he or she shall be able for the current year’s minimum Annual Contribution.
If the payment of the minimum Annual Contribution by a New Member is not made within one calendar month after notification of election, the election of the New Member shall be revoked and the Member’s name shall be removed from the list of members of the Club, unless the Directors otherwise direct.
Any Active Member whose current year’s minimum Annual Contribution shall be unpaid on October 1st shall receive notice thereof from the Treasurer. If such Contribution shall remain unpaid at the end of such current year, he or she shall cease from that time to be a member of the Club, unless he or she can justify the delay to the satisfaction of the Directors or unless the Directors shall otherwise direct.
16. Should the conduct of any Member, either in the opinion of the Directors or of at least twenty-five Members of the Club (who shall certify the same to the Directors in writing), be regarded as injurious to the interests of the Club or incompatible with its objects, as defined in By-Law #2, the Directors shall have the power, after investigation, to recommend, in writing, that such Member resign. If the Member so recommended shall not comply within fourteen days, the President shall then call a Special Meeting of the Directors, and, if at such Meeting at which a quorum is present, a two-third majority of Directors present shall vote to expel such Member, the membership of such Member shall be revoked, the Member’s name shall be removed from the list of Members and he or she shall forfeit all Contributions and the right to claim the privileges of membership of the Club.
Amendments to ByLaws
17. These Bylaws may be amended at any Meeting of the Members at which a quorum is present by a vote of two-thirds of the Members present in person or by proxy; provided, that written notice of each proposed amendment has been given to the Secretary at least thirty days prior to such Meeting and is set forth in the notice of the Meeting mailed to the Members at least fourteen days prior to such Meeting.
These By-Laws may also be amended at any meeting of the Board of Directors at which a quorum is present by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Directors present; provided, that written notice of each proposed amendment has been given to the Secretary at least 30 days prior to such meeting and is set forth in the notice of the meeting mailed to the Directors at least 14 days prior to such meeting.